Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Ås, Norway, as well as a scientific advisor for The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINA. She has a Doctorate degree in conservation biology and lectures on nature management and forest biodiversity. Her research focuses on insect ecology.
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson has been appointed Honorary Doctor of Forest Sciences at the Faculty of Forest Sciences at SLU in Sweden.
In recent years, she has written five books about insects and nature. These critically acclaimed books have been translated into more than 25 languages. In addition she has studied history and is interested in outreach activities, runs a science blog and is a regular guest on popular science radio programs.
In 2020, she received the Award for Excellence in Communication of Science from The Research Council of Norway.
All titles
- Forests. On trees, people and thousands of other phenomenal species (Fall 2023)
- Insects.Learn to recognize and protect the insects around you (2021)
- Tapestries of Life (2020)
- The Sloth and the Sloth Moth ( 2020)
- Beetles, bugs and butterflies (2019)
- Terra Insecta. The little ones that make the world go ‘round (2018)